János Kárász

Born in Hungary, architect and social scientist, specialized in landscape architecture. Head of Vienna based landscape architecture studio, together with Maria Auböck – realizing projects in several European countries. Guest professorships at universities in Vienna, Munich, Budapest, Rome and Moscow – lecturing sociology of planning, urban planning and landscape architecture. Numerous research projects in these fields. Conception and design of exhibitions in Austria and other central European countries concerning topics of urban culture and urban anthropology. UNESCO-consultancies in Europe and Africa.

Maria Auböck

Born in Vienna, architect specialized in landscape architecture. Tenure professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich / Institute for Design of Outdoor Spaces. Head of Vienna based landscape architecture studio, together with János Kárász – realizing projects in several European countries. Guest professorships at Rhode Island School of Design, at Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, at Technical University of Vienna and Munich. Research projects on landscape architecture and urban planning; revitalisation projects for historical gardens. Conception and design of exhibitions concerning topics of landscape and nature. Member of several advisory boards for urban design, city planning and art in public space (such as Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Salzburg). Jury member of international competitions in Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Auböck + Kárász Landscape Architects

1070 Vienna, Bernardgasse 21
Tel.  +43 1 523 72 20
Fax  +43 1 523 79 67 6
Email: office@auboeck-karasz.at


DI Ivana Kucirkova MSc

Tobias Guggenberger MSc

Dr. Antonella Catone

Sarah Prader

Mag. Magdalena Müller

Ing. Ingrid Oelmann

Werkstätte Carl Auböck
A-1070 Wien, Bernardgasse 21, T. 523 66 31 20, F. 523 66 31 33
design objects for home and office out of brass, bronce, aluminum, acryl and wood; catalog on request

Der neue Umschlagplatz für Architektur im Netz

GA Barcelona