Vienna, 2012

Invited Competition, together with Artists Andraschek/Lobnig

Area: ~ 600m²

Client: City of Vienna / Art in Urban Public Space

Team: Teresa Wolf, Michael v. Ciriacy-Wantrup

The open space is located in a part of an area where the Turner Temple, which was destroyed during the Pogrom Night of November 9/10, 1938, once stood. It was necessary to develop a generally usable open space.

The small plaza, with six existing lindens, opens itself, so to speak, as an imaginary space of the roof truss after the fire: like a scream that shatters the silence. It is a symbolic image, graphic design and furnishing at the same time a piece of reflexive archaeology, consisting of anthracite-colored concrete beams that are set into the gravel surface they grow out of. A distinct sign that maintains visibility and creates ambivalence at the same moment. Floor mosaics under the trees serve as images mediating between the pastand the present. With fruits borrowed from the Torah, which likewise point to the everyday lives of migrants today who will predominantly use this public space.